Author: ssaradmin

Reflections on SARscene Conference – PEI

Written by Tracy VanBrabant In October, both Diane and I had the pleasure of attending SARscene 2015 in Charlottetown, PEI. It is an annual event that brings together groups from coast to coast, to educate, train, and share ideas. It was an eye opening experience to see how many different organizations there are involved in Search and Rescue. While I’m used to working as a GSAR (Ground Search and Rescue) volunteer, it was fascinating to see other groups like CASARA (Civil Air Search and Rescue Association), K9-SAR, Canadian Forces, Canada Coast Guard, RCMP, Parks Canada, police officers, firefighters, and many...

Reflections on SARVAC Workshop – Saskatoon

by Dale Liebrecht This past weekend I attended the National SARVAC Workshop in Saskatoon. As a new Saskatoon Search and Rescue (SSAR) recruit, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The weekend was filled with many engaging opportunities to meet with other volunteer SAR professionals across Canada. I experienced many moments of profound admiration for the organization as the conference evolved. One of the images etched into my mind was the quiet confident glow of our longtime outgoing National SARVAC president Harry Blackmore. I regret not sitting down and having a conversation with him. His demeanor was reminiscent of a man...

Mark and jetboil stove.

My Favorite Piece of Equipment

Written by Mark Wells I was originally planning to write an article about some new piece of cool gear. There are always new camping gadgets that look cool. But instead I’ve decided to review one of my favorite pieces of gear that I already own: my JetBoil. There are actually several models of JetBoil that have slight differences — I’ve got the Flash (ie: the original one). Essentially, it is an integrated camp stove and pot system. Why do I love it: – It’s small and space efficient (9.5x18cm) – the insulated pot itself holds the burner, a fuel canister,...

Base Station radio

“Can You Hear Me Now?”

MEDIA RELEASE “Can you hear me?” “Can you hear me now?” “Yes, we can hear you!” Saskatoon Search and Rescue (SSAR) is pleased to announce the completion of our Emergency Communications Project. A reliable communications system is essential during times of crisis or disaster and this project will help SSAR to better serve our community when needed. The media and supporters of Saskatoon Search and Rescue are invited to join us on Thursday, June 4, at 1:30 pm at Firehall #6 (Acadia Dr. & Taylor St.) to view the project equipment. Representatives from our two major donors, the Kinsmen Club...

Gear Swap and Garage Sale – May 2, 2015

Need some new-to-you gear? We’ve got some great deals and some great gear for sale! In conjunction with the annual Montgomery Garage Sale on Saturday, May 2, from 8 am – 4 pm in Montgomery Park, Saskatoon Search and Rescue will be hosting a sale with the main focus being on SAR and outdoor-related gear, in addition to  household or other garage sale type items. Example of some of the items that will be on sale: Backpacks (various sizes, makes, models) Duffle bags Skiis (cross country, downhill) and ski poles Outdoor clothing Outdoor shovels Tarps Kayak spray skirts Kids toys Movies and...