Tagged: Emergency Communications Project

Base Station radio

“Can You Hear Me Now?”

MEDIA RELEASE “Can you hear me?” “Can you hear me now?” “Yes, we can hear you!” Saskatoon Search and Rescue (SSAR) is pleased to announce the completion of our Emergency Communications Project. A reliable communications system is essential during times of crisis or disaster and this project will help SSAR to better serve our community when needed. The media and supporters of Saskatoon Search and Rescue are invited to join us on Thursday, June 4, at 1:30 pm at Firehall #6 (Acadia Dr. & Taylor St.) to view the project equipment. Representatives from our two major donors, the Kinsmen Club...


Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon Supports SSAR Again!

The mandate of the Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon is “Serving the Community’s Greatest Need.” To this end, they support an incredible variety of organizations and projects related to everything from leisure infrastructure, health facilities, to sports leagues for disadvantaged youth and much, much more. In 2012 the Kinsmen Club supported SSAR in purchasing our command post trailer. The trailer has been an essential part of our Chapter’s growth and has proven its value many times over during training, community events and, most importantly, during activations to search for missing persons. Approached in 2014 to contribute to our Emergency Communications Project...

DDCDC logo

Dakota Dunes – Investing in the Future

The Dakota Dunes Community Development Corporation (DDCDC) is once again supporting Saskatoon Search and Rescue! In 2013 a grant from the Corporation assisted SSAR in funding the purchase of GPS units. These were invaluable during several search activations this past year, accurately marking areas searched by our members and allowing us to give accurate location information to our search managers and our agencies of jurisdiction. DDCDC has now generously provided funding assistance for our Emergency Communications Project, recognizing the importance of timely assistance and a reliable means of communication in crisis situations. Debbie Dreaver, Community Investment Coordinator, says “Supporting the...

SGI CANADA Supports Saskatoon Search and Rescue

We are thrilled that SGI CANADA has become the first confirmed sponsor of our Emergency Communications Project and they recognize the value that search and rescue services bring to our community. “SGI CANADA is pleased to support Saskatoon Search and Rescue,” said Penny McCune, Vice President of Customer and Distribution Strategy. “I would like to take the opportunity to thank those who volunteer their time and assist Emergency Responders when crisis strikes. SGI CANADA is committed to investing in our communities and responding quickly with assistance when crisis situations arise.” As a corporate citizen, SGI CANADA believes that giving back...